This is one of two brilliantly glazed and textured
sweet sourdough zucchini loaves
we like as is, with whipped cream on top
or French vanilla ice cream...
Yields: (2 loaves)
Prep:  15 Mins.
Bake/Cook: 50 Mins.


3 eggs, slightly beaten
1-1/2 cups *sourdough starter (see below)
2/3 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Dry (sifted):
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground cloves
¼ teaspoon fine-grain kosher salt
1-½ teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons double-acting baking powder (or regular)

Folding additions:

1 cup chopped walnuts (or pecans)
1 cup grated zucchini (or apple, or pear)
¾ cup raisins (or any other dried fruit)

Glazed Topping (optional):
½ cup unsalted butter
2 teaspoons milk
½ cup dark brown sugar


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Prepare two buttered and sugared loaf pans, and set aside.

In a large bowl, add the wet ingredients, and mix with a wooden spoon to combine.  Sift the dry ingredients through a sieve over the wet ingredients into large bowl, and incorporate into batter. 

Fold in remaining ingredients.

Evenly distribute batter between both prepared loaf pans.

Bake for 50 to 60 minutes until a wooden toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Meanwhile, (if making glaze option) prepare the glaze ingredients by placing them in a small saucepan over medium heat.  Bring to a boil while whisking constantly.  Boil for 2 minutes, and spoon equally over warm loaves in loaf pans.  Use a pastry brush to distribute topping until it’s absorbed.  Carefully remove loaves when cool enough to handle. ~ Enjoy!

[This photograph and link was featured on April 7, 2012 @]


Sandra's Sourdough
Starter (How to...)

I ordered my *Sourdough Starter Packet from Alaska Herb and Tea Company a couple of months ago.

I’m pulling out my old recipes now that I have a batch active again.

Click on link below photograph on left to start your own batch of Alaska Sourdough...


Oishii Treats said...

I love zucchini bread and this looks so good with the glaze. I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Happy Blogger Award, stop on by to get your badge :)

sandra said...

Thank you very much for the "Happy Blogger Award," Neshanne!! How very sweet of you, I did and you should do the same as well ;) @

mysourdoughstarters said...

I have a sourdough blog as well and one of my customers loves your Sweet Sourdough Zucchini Bread. I've shared your recipe on my blog with a link back to your recipe.

sandra said...

Thank you very much Bill, that's very kind of you and give my appreciation to your customer as well, please ;)

Unknown said...

Yum! I would never have thought to make sourdough zucchini bread. I have a started and a zucchini in my fridge... hmmm!

sandra said...

It's scrumptious, Mary Anne! I hope you try it, I think you'll be happy you did ;)

taraclarkesmith said...

I made these and subbed raisins and nuts for chocolate chips. DELICIOUS!!!!!!! Everyone loved them, even my husband who has been hesitant on jumping on board the sourdough train:) Thanks for sharing!

The SPN Verse said...

Made this minus the glazed topping, added 1/2 tsp of ground ginger, 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, upped the vanilla by 1 tsp, doubled the cinnamon and cloves and added 1/2 cup dried cranberries.

It made four loaves, two of which I packed up right away and froze for later use, one I have to friends and one got eaten right away. The first loaf that didn't very frozen was good. Today I pulled out a loaf from the freezer and served it as a snack to friends. It was about 10 times better than the loaf that got eaten fresh. Hands down, best zucchini bread I ever had in my life and my friends couldn't get enough either. I'll be making this recipe forever!

Libby said...

I made this like the above commenter did - however, I used gluten free blend called "Cup4Cup". I used thawed blueberries and Rumford brand reduced sodium, aluminum free baking powder. Have baked this way for years! Produced 3 loaves. Ones almost gone, one going to a friend and freezing the last one -just to test the taste. Have a winner here!!! Glad I found this blog. Thank you and cheers to delicious food. L

Madame Duran said...

Love it! I used chocolate chips instead of raisins and the family are fans! Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Madame Duran said...

My family loves this recipe! Made it twice now. Used chocolate chips instead of raisins and it's so moist and tasty!

Gleem said...

Greetings! I wanted to make this today, but can you clarify.....does the sourdough starter need to be ripe, or can it be directly from the frig, or room temp?

Thank you!

sandra said...

@ Gleem - my apologies for not responding sooner. I would not recommending using the starter directly from the frig. I always let mine set out overnight, stir the next morning and then use in my recipes. After doing so, I re-feed it and let it set out on the counter, covered, overnight before returning to the frig.


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