I grew up eating this as my Mother
never served us cold store-bought cereal;
we always had a hot breakfast of
oatmeal, cornmeal, cream of wheat with homemade toast
before school; after all this is Alaska...
Servings: (2)
Prep: 3 Mins. | Cook 5 Mins.

Posted by Sandra


1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
2 cups cold water
Pinch of sea salt
1/4 cup quality maple syrup
--(or ¼ cup packed dark brown sugar)
1/4 cup condensed milk (unsweetened)

--Prepared whole-wheat toast, cut into triangles


Combine cornmeal, cold water, and sea salt in a small saucepan, and whisk to combine. Place on stove over high-heat until boiling while whisking (to prevent lumps from potentially forming), and then reduce heat to low and continue to whisk for 5 minutes, until cornmeal is tender and mush has thickened. Add the maple syrup, and condensed milk, whisking to combine, and remove from heat.

Place toast in the toaster, and pour mush into serving bowls, and garnish mush with a slight drizzle of maple syrup. Butter toast, and cut them into triangles and serve along side. – Enjoy!


Tip: This mush was a staple breakfast in our household while growing up, and every time I this it floods me with fond memories of my family and friends in my hometown of Yakutat, Alaska.

1 comment:

  1. This to me is one of the most comforting foods that I love to make on chilly Alaskan weekend morning...yummmm....


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