My mom served our fry bread hot
 with warm Syrup, as do I...
Yields: 4 Fry Bread
Prep: 10 Mins. |
Fry: 6 to 8 Mins.


1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon powdered milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of sugar
1/2 cup warm tap water
peanut oil for frying (or vegetable oil)


Began by heating the 2" deep oil to 360 degrees in a large cast-iron skillet (or and electric fry pan).

Meanwhile, sift together the flour, salt, powdered milk, and baking powder into a large bowl, and add the sugar. Pour the water over the flour mixture all at once, and stir the dough with a fork until it starts to form a ball. Flour hands, and mix the dough to incorporate the flour into the mixture to form a soft and pliant ball. (You want to mix the dough well, but DO NOT knead it, which will make for heavy Fry Bread when cooked.) The inside of the dough ball should still be sticky after it is formed, while the outside will be floured.

Cut the dough into four equal pieces. Using floured hands, stretch, and pat to form disks of about four inches in diameter and quarter-inch thick. Fry until golden brown, and then flip to fry the other side. Each side will take about 3 to 4 minutes. Place Fry Bread to drain on a paper towel-lined plate. - Enjoy!

--You can eat the hot Fry Bread drizzled with honey, spread it with jelly, dip it in hot maple syrup (my favorite because this is how my Mom served it to our family, as shown in photo), as a vessel to fill with fish taco ingredients, and so on.


Tip: This Fry Bread can be kept warm in a 200-degree oven for up to 20 minutes. They also refrigerate well, and then can be reheated in a 350-degree oven for 12 minutes before serving.

1 comment:

  1. When I make this it takes me back to my childhood of living at the beach house at Sandy Beach in Yakutat, Alaska. My Mom would make large batches during the summer when many of the children in town were playing on the beach with us...yummmm...


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